Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Residential broadband market overview Essay Example for Free

Residential broadband market overview Essay Limestone is a rock of which was once the bones and shells of sea animals. These died and collected as sediments at the bottom of seas, oceans and lakes. Chemical name: Calcium carbonate Chemical formula: CaCo3 Alternative names: Chalk, marble Limestone can be used to prepare a number of new materials. For this to happen limestone must undergo endothermic decomposition. Thermal decomposition is used on a large scale in industry to manufacture chemicals. When limestone undergoes thermal decomposition it produces Quicklime (CaO) Quicklime is produced in refractory-lined kilns. In most kilns, limestone is fed in at the top of the shaft and quicklime is drawn from the bottom. Air is blown in at the base and burns with fuels part of the way up the kiln. The products of combustion of the fuel is mostly carbon dioxide gas which escapes through vents at the top of the shaft. Various fuels are used e. g. coil, oil, natural gas and coke depending on the local fuel costs. The temperature created by these fuels reaches over 1000? C in the middle of the kiln. Most modern kilns produce up to 300 tonnes/day of quicklime. Most quicklime is sold as a granular product but there is a growing market for the finely crushed solid. Limestone is one of the worlds most common minerals. Because it is cheap and readily available it forms an important part of many other minerals. Once limestone has been converted to quicklime, the quicklime is used to form slaked lime. Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) is made by adding a little water to quicklime. Powdered limestone:   Put in lakes to neutralize acids in the water Put on soil to neutralize acid soil. All rocks are made up of different minerals. In other words, minerals are the chemical constituents of rocks although you cant easily tell what their chemical composition is from their names. Sedimentary rocks are made of sediment formed when all other types of rock wear down (erosion) or break down because of the effects of weather (weathering). The particles of rock are transported by water or wind or ice to a low point on the earth (a sea or a valley). Gradually, over millions of years, they are converted to rock. The particles of rock form layers of sediment. Gradually more and more layers form on top of each other over thousands of years. The weight of the layers on top causes the bottom layers to be pressed together or compressed so the particles fuse together. This is called CEMENTATION. Over millions of years the layers of rock build up into what are called strata. Particles can be rubbed of sedimentary rock because it is the softest type of rock. Different sized particles form different kinds of rock. Very fine particles like mud form mudstone. Larger grains like sand form sandstone. Gravel and pebbles form conglomerates. Sedimentary rocks like Shale can be formed under the sea also. The shells from millions of tiny marine animals can build up on the sea floor. These shells are made from calcium carbonate. When these shells become slowly compressed together they form the rock limestone. When acid is added to this rock, it fizzes. As sediments collects, the bodies of plants or animals fall into them. The bodies become buried and gradually turn to rock as there is no oxygen gas to allow them to rot. Over millions of years these bodies turn into fossils. Fossils are only found in sedimentary rocks. When liquid rock is beneath the surface of the earth it is called magma, but when it comes out of the ground it is called lava. When they cool, they become solid and form the rocks we call igneous rocks. Magma and lava are made up of compounds called silicates. They are made from the elements silicon and oxygen, as well as other elements like aluminium and magnesium. As the liquid rock cools it forms crystals. The size of the crystals depends on how quickly it cools. Granite is formed when magma cools slowly under the ground so it has large interlocking crystals. This is called an intrusive igneous rock. When lava is erupted from a volcano it cools rapidly in the air so it has small interlocking crystals. This is called an extrusive igneous rock. An example of this type of rock is basalt. The structure of existing rocks can be changed by contact with magma or great pressure from underground. When this happens, the rock is said to have metamorphosed. (This just means changed. ) Any kind of rock can metamorphose. Clay and Shale (which are sedimentary rocks) can be changed by pressure until they become slate. This allows the slate to be split into layers easily. This is one reason why slate can be used for roofing material. If slate is then heated even more and put under more pressure it forms a rock with bands of interlocking crystals. This rock is called Schist. Limestone is turned into marble when the high temperatures underground break up the shells and they then reform as smooth, hard crystals. Scientists think ha the earth has been in existence for about 4500 million years. In the beginning, the surface was liquid, but gradually it cooled enough for a solid crust to form. (About 3700 million years ago). The earth has had an atmosphere of gasses since it was formed but the types and amounts of each gas has changed. The earths crust is much thicker under the continents than under the oceans. Continental crust is about 40km thick compared to 10km for the crust under the oceans. Below the crust is a semi-liquid area called the mantle. The centre of the earth is called the core and it is made of the metals Iron and Nickel. Because different parts of the earths crust are moving slowly in different directions, huge stresses and strains are set up. These can cause the rocks to become tilted, folded (bent) or faulted (split). They may even be turned upside down. Sedimentary rocks are softer than other types of rocks and fold more easily when compressed (squashed). If this happens on a large scale, then Fold mountains like the Alps or Himalayas are formed. A downward dip or fold is called a Syncline and an arch is called an Anticline. Brittle rocks fracture (fault) under stress. The earths crust is not a continuous layer but is made up of many separate units called Tectonic Plates. The plates move by convection currents in the molten rock of the Mantle. This moves the plates very slowly at the rate of a few centimetres a year. Over millions of years the continents have separated to reach their present positions. When an oceanic plate moves below a continental plate, the rock gets very hot and melts to form Magma. This then reaches the surface in Volcanoes. Also, where the oceanic plate moves downwards, a very deep area of sea floor is formed. These types of areas are called Ocean Trenches. Formation of coal and oil: In the carboniferous Era, which lasted 65 million years and ended 280 million years ago: The British Isles was on the equator. The land was tropical forest. Coal was made from dead animals and plants. The plants did not rot because they got covered in mud so no oxygen could get to them. The coal seams were formed by weight of new deposits squashed the tree layers into thin seams. Coal was formed 280 million years ago. Fractional Distillation: When oil is pumped from the ground it is as a thick, black, foul smelling substance called Crude Oil. It is a mixture of chemicals called hydrocarbons. A mixture is just a mix of chemicals. The many hydrocarbons in crude oil may be separated into individual chemicals called Fractions by a process called Fractional Distillation. Crude oil is a mixture of Hydrocarbons. They can be separated by putting the oil into a fractioning column. The crude oil is heated on its way into the column so that the oil is evaporated. This turns the liquid into a gas. The vapour then moves into the column. The chemicals with the least/most?molecules (more carbon atoms) move to the top e. g. petrol. As the molecules become heavier, their boiling points increase. Once at the correct temperature the vapour condenses to a liquid and is run off. Crude oil contains most fuel and bitumen yet we do not need it all. We need lots of petrol (which contains 5-10 carbon atoms) but we have too much fuel oil etc. (over 70 carbon atoms), so what we do is this. We break up large useless molecules to make small, useful molecules like petrol by a process called cracking. Paraffin is a general name for a group of long hydrocarbons used as fuels. If mixed with pieces of porous porcelain as a catalyst, it can be made to undergo thermal decomposition or cracking. Porous means lots of holes, which gives a large surface area. Thermal decomposition means breaking something down with heat. Fractional distillation of petroleum (crude oil) produces different products because petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons. The compound in each fraction have similar boiling points. The fractions with higher boiling points tend to contain molecules with more carbon atoms. These bigger molecules are long chained and have larger molecular masses. When these are burnt they produce sooty flames. They are very viscous (syrup-like). As a result there is high demand for smaller molecules and less demand for these massive molecules. The oil industry tries to balance the problems of supply and demand by converting the less saleable fractions into saleable fractions. The main way in which this is done is by the process known as cracking. The reactions are usually carried out at high temperature using a catalyst. We have seen that when large hydrocarbon molecules are broken open, or cracked, they produce smaller molecules like Ethene. It is possible to join lots of Ethene molecules together to form a type of plastic. Simple building blocks like the paper clip (or Ethene) are called MONOMERS. When they are made into a long line of units we call it a POLYMER. The process which converts lots of Monomers to a Polymer is called PLYMERISATION. Common polymers include plastics, fibres and rubber. The elements present in Ethene monomers are hydrogen and carbon. What happens to convert monomers to polymers? Double bond breaks open during polymerisation. The name of the polymer made from Ethene is polyethene. Polyethene is more commonly known as polythene. Another type of plastic is called Polyvinyl Chloride PVC for short, is strong, hard and less flexible than polythene. It is used to make pipes, guttering and electrical insulation. Combustion is another word for burning. Burning is a chemical reaction in which materials react with heat. The equation for burning is: Fuel + oxygen = CO2 + water + energy. If there is not enough oxygen in the air, the fuel dies not burn fully and the poisonous gas Carbon Monoxide is formed. Several people are killed each year due to poisoning by carbon monoxide from badly ventilated gas fires. Some fuels also contain Sulphur e.g. Coal. When this burns, it produces the gas sulphur dioxide. Sulphur + oxygen = sulphur dioxide. When this gas dissolves in rain, it produces acid rain. Waste gases from the exhausts of motor vehicles are also released into the atmosphere. They are also responsible for making the rain acidic and they pollute the air. Oxygen gas is:   Colourless and odourless   Molecules are diatomic   Approx. same density as air.   Essential for combustion and respiration   Reacts with most metals and non-metals to form oxides. Test for glowing oxygen = glowing splint re-lighting. Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis. Oxides can be acidic, basic (alkaline) or neutral. The link between the terms alkali and base is that an alkali is a base which dissolves in water. Non-metals form acidic oxides. Metals form alkaline oxides. Many metals and non-metals are found as oxides in the earths crust. They are called ores. When elements react with oxygen it is called oxidation. During respiration and combustion, oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is released back in to he air. All of the air is not used up because plants use up the carbon dioxide and release oxygen when they make their food by photosynthesis or respiration? This process has been happening for thousand of years. However, in the last 200 years, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased because:   There are many people on earth.   We have burned millions of tonnes of fuel   We have cut down thousands of square miles of forest. The carbon dioxide is acting like a blanket around the earth and it is trapping the heat from the sun, which leads to a raising of the earths temperature. This is called the greenhouse effect. Acid rain is made when acid gases dissolve in rain. Carbon dioxide is made when carbon burns in the oxygen in the air. When coal is burned it releases the gas sulphur dioxide. This also makes acid rain because it dissolves in rain to form sulphuric acid. Inside car engines, the temperature is hot enough to make nitrogen and oxygen join together to make nitrogen oxides. These dissolve in rain to make nitric acid. When acid rain falls on the earth it has the following effects: Stonework on building is dissolved and crumbles away   The water in rivers and lakes becomes too acidic so plants and animals die You could reduce the acid level in rivers and lakes by putting limestone in it. The gases in the atmosphere originally came from volcanoes. The gases produced were carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, argon etc. There is not hydrogen left in the atmosphere because it was so light it evaporated and escaped. Distillation of oil: 1. Vaporisation the thick oil is heated to from vapour/gas 2. Separation lighter molecules move upwards and heavy molecules sink. Lighter molecules move upwards to the coolest region at the top. There is a temperature and density gradient. 3. Condensation the vapour is cooled to form a liquid (or solid).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Nothingness :: Creative Writing Short Stories

Nothingness The wall appears to be chiseled from one large block of marble. As if the Gods themselves found a piece of black marble large enough to cover an area apparently the size of Kansas. In fact the Gods themselves did, for this is the wall of Asgaard, realm of the Gods. Seated amidst mountains of mist and covering fully half of existence, the city of the Norse dead is surrounded by this towering wall of rough black marble. From the mountains, a stone paved path winds down to the foot of the wall. On the path a group of figures are descending its flagstones, working their way to the foot of an immense silver gate, that stands ajar, opening the way for any travelers. The gate is a delicate appearing mesh of shining sliver; if closed, even Thor could not force it open. He has tried. It must be that strong, it guards the only path between the land of the living and the land of the dead. Approximately forty souls are approaching the gate; one leads. She is a large woman, with long blonde hair braided down her back. Her white robes flow around her, giving the appearance of reality and solidity, an odd sight in the spirit world. Turning to those who follow her she focuses her gaze on each in turn,  ³No matter what happens, do not go through the gate. Only the Seekers may go through. You are not prepared for what will be on the other side. ² Her followers do not react, those whose eyes are open are more interested in the terrain. The majority of the people appear to be sleeping, their faces are relaxed and their eyes are closed. Of those whose eyes are open, only a few are awake and alert. Two are especially noteworthy. One is a tall youth with shoulder length blonde hair, the other is sightly shorter, with long curly dark brown hair. He is wearing a kilt and a short, ceremonial sword at his belt. The blonde lad is standing still, absorbing his surroundings with a passion. He seems to be looking for something.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

People as a huge asset Essay

1.1INTRODUCTION Organisations are made up of people and people are a huge asset to any organization. To be more successful in achieving their goal and objectives; organisations needs to have an understanding about their human assets, their behavior, tendencies, best practice etc..† Leadership is the ability of one person to influence a group of persons toward the achievement of common goals† (Yukl, 1994). Influencing others means that leaders must have an understanding about their behavior, which can only happen when they themselves understand their values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations. Understanding oneself means one must carry out self-assessment/evaluation as this is very important for leaders today. I will be carrying out an assessment about the benefit of self -assessment/evaluation to leaders today and the importance of understanding human behavior in oraganisations. 1.2 DEFINITION OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR Human behavior is the way people behave and which can be influence by culture, emotions, attitudes, values, ethics, genetic etc.. Depending on the society and environment, human behavior can either be common, usual, acceptable or unacceptable. Human behavior can either be learnt as we relate to our environment; for example, tying your shoes is a learned behavior or it can be innate which can be inherited through genes. 1.3THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR TO AN ORGANIZATION Organisations depend on the behavior of both individual and teams to achieve their goals and objectives; as such it is very critical for organisations to have thorough understanding of human behavior. Understanding human behavior is a  key to organisational success. Human behavior defines how people work together and relate with one another. Communication being the cornerstone of behavior can only be effective when people understand one another. Interpersonal conflict can be reduced in an organisation once there’s an understanding of human behavior. Behavior can influence negatively on the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives if not manage well; will lead to poor output and failure. Organisations need to plan their training programme, understanding the behavior of its employees will inform the planning process, thereby ensuring that training needs are effectively met. An effective understanding of the diverse behavior of personnel is important. Evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they became less concerned about differences if they see themselves as sharing more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity† (Stephen P Robbins & Timothy A Judge, Organizational Behavior -15th Editions) A co-operative team that knows how to work with one another can produce better result than those who have problems relating to one another. 1.4 THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR BY LEADERS Organisations need strong leadership to achieve its goals and objectives. An organisation is only as successful as its leadership. Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Individuals or group can only be influence when there’s an understanding of their behavior. Business necessity, enlightenment about differences and moral fortitude have combine to push organisations into hiring a diverse set of employees, as a result managing this diversity has proven to be a challenge to leaders†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Leaders can effectively manage this challenge through understanding this diversity. A leader who fails to understand his followers thereby focusing at a very superficial level by commanding others to do their will; is at the bottom of the leadership level. Deeper understanding provides more options, give one more potential tools, and frankly, makes one a powerful leader (Stephen P Robbins & Timothy A Judge, Organizational Behav ior -15th Editions). This is a trait of level 5 leadership. â€Å"Understanding the behavior of followers will assist leaders in putting together teams to manage projects and it will also assist in  assigning task to employees in a way that will put to efficient use each member’s strength rather than their weakness â€Å" ( Attempting to influencing individuals without understanding why they behave the way they do, might yield random or unpredictable effect and this will lead to leaders being unsuccessful as followers will be alienated; whereas understanding the personalities of subordinates and superiors informs leaders as to others expectations and provides insights into motivation, competitiveness and interpersonal relationships and communication. 1.5 LEADERSHIP SELF-EVALUATION/SELF-ASSESSMENT As leaders the ability to influence people has to be continuously improved; and the first step in achieving that will be by knowing yourself and gaining understanding of your leadership style, skills, traits, competencies, abilities, personality type and experience. According to Kevin Sharer of AMGEN CEO and president, â€Å"Leadership has many voices. You need to be who you are, not to emulate someone else.† An apt statement as leaders has the responsibility of influencing others in the achievement of goals and objectives; an achievement that will be almost impossible to attain when followers lacks faith in their leader. People normally have faith in authentic leaders as they are leaders who not only know what they believe in and value but also act on that values and beliefs candidly and openly. Most leaders are unaware of the effect their emotional intelligence has on their superiors and subordinates, many a time we blame negative outcome to those around us, all the time bei ng totally blind to the fact that our personality might have had effect on others action. â€Å"Those who use the emotional intelligence framework to guide their thoughts and actions may find it easier to create trust in relationship, harness energy under pressure, and sharpen their ability to make sound decisions-in other words, they increase their potential for success in the workplace†(Jones and Bartlett learning PTT) only by carrying out self-assessment/evaluation will you be able to understand your emotional intelligence and other traits. As leaders one should know what their strength and weaknesses as this will enable them build on their strength and march it to their leadership opportunities, it will also assist in the development of their weaknesses and allows for the  elimination of threats to leadership. 1.6 THE BENEFITS OF SELF- ASSESSMENT/SELF-EVALUATION TO LEADERS TODAY. Most of the benefits of self-assessment have already been discuss above, however some benefits are; A.Develop Emotional Intelligence When taking time to self-reflect you are looking inwards. Self-awareness gives you the ability the ability to understand your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals, and recognize their impact on others you are leading. Being self-aware will aid you in controlling or redirecting your disruptive emotions and impulses and adapt to changing circumstances. Building these emotional intelligence components will improve your leadership. B. ASSISTS IN BECOMING EFFECTIVE LEADER Authentic leaders are clear on their core values, and this will help to strengthen leadership integrity and lead you to better decisions. Understanding your core values will build followers trust in you as a leader and this will make decision making easier as our integrity is often put to the test during stressful and difficult times. C. BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE Confidence is crucial for leaders. It helps in effective communications, decision making, and influence building. People will see you as you see yourself, being aware of your strength as leader will build self-confidence and this will increase team effectiveness.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Dr. Strangelove And The Cold War - 1954 Words

The Cold War was a period of several decades of tension and the threat of nuclear conflict between the two remaining superpowers that emerged from WWII, the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The 1964 film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, directed by Stanley Kubrick, depicts the overlying themes of the Cold War in a comedic fashion. This film’s full embodiment of the Cold War is seen through its representation of the time period, and the sheer competitiveness between the United States and Russia. Additionally, due to many of Kubrick’s movie decisions, the film has helped society acknowledge and understand the pure absurdity that the topic of nuclear destruction holds. In Dr. Strangelove, General Jack D.†¦show more content†¦General alone goes rogue and sends the missiles toward Russia. The film delves into some of the difficult options leaders have to choose from in cases involving nuclear weapons. Nuclear conflicts are very complex, with many scenarios that could potentially occur. After General Ripper has directed his plane to bomb the enemy, he describes his thought process to one of his officers, â€Å"...when [the president’s advisors] realize there is no possibility in recalling the wing there will be only one course of action: open, total commitment†. Later, General â€Å"Buck† Turgidson, one of the President’s top advisors, echoes this exact idea in the war room and proposes to the U.S. President a full commitment. This was one possible solution that could have neutralized all of Russia in one wave of nuclear missiles; however, this strategy is frowned upon and dismissed by the President as it would reflect poorly on the U.S.’ diplomatic reputation in the long-run. An aspect of the Cold War that Kubrick focuses on is the blatant lack of trust between the conflicting nations. In a scene where a Russian ambassador is being brought into the war room, General Turgidson is disturbed by having all of the U.S.’ plans open in front of the enemy. He exclaims to the U.S. President, â€Å"Sir, you can t let him in here. He ll see everything. He ll see the big board!† Suddenly, the camera turns back andShow MoreRelatedDr. Strangelove And The Cold War1997 Words   |  8 Pages The Cold War was a period from 1947 to 1991 that adhered erratic tension and constant threat of nuclear conflict between the two remaining superpowers that emerged from WWII, the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The 1964 film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, directed by Stanley Kubrick, depicts the overlying themes of the Cold War in a comedic fashion. 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We want peace and prosperity for the world as a whole.† In July of 1945 Truman set on his journey to Europe for the Grand Alliance meeting between the three leading allied powers, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States. The Potsdam Conference discussed post World War II arrangements in Europe. Harriet Truman and Winston Churchill were on the same side wanting to create democraticRead MoreThe War Between The Soviet Union And The United States1205 Words   |  5 PagesHey everyone, today’s video topic will be about Dr. Strangelove and how it relates to the culture during the 1960s. Although the film directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1964 is a political satire movie, it represented the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States perfectly. The Cold War between the two countries lasted between 1947 to 1991, and peaked during the 1960s. 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